Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My first moments of 2009 began on the beach in Acapulco nearly getting pummeled in the face by misdirected, poorly-placed green fireworks and then hiding under my napkin. Let's hope that is not an omen for how the rest of the year is going to turn out. In Mexico, as in Spain, they give you twelve grapes on New Year's Eve which you are supposed to eat at midnight, one for each chime of the clock. I decided to forgo that part, not wanting to choke, and I was too busy avoiding the fireworks.

I actually have a very intense fear of them, if I'm too close, and of firecrackers, too. I think it stems from when I was five and in Paris with my parents for the summer. Bastille Day in July 1989, the bicentennial of the start of the French Revolution: there were thousands of people in the streets that night and people were throwing firecrackers on the ground. And then my parents and I had to walk several kilometers back to our apartment late in the night because the metros were filled to capacity. I remember it vividly, probably because I was scared out of my wits!

Anyways, I digress. I actually had a fantastic New Year's Eve this year, although it didn't feel like New Year's Eve because of the balmy weather in Mexico. We were treated to a scrumptious meal on the beach with dancing until 8 am (I keeled over at 4:30, not quite being able to party until sunrise anymore). Most of the songs were Mexican eighties' pop.

We're almost a month into the year and I have yet to write my resolutions. are several. I've given a lot of thought to them because 1) I firmly believe your resolutions should be doable and 2) if they're not doable I won't stick to them.

- Invest more in my friendships. They're more stable and have a higher value than the stock market anyways.
- Become the Bill Gates of cooking. This will probably take much longer than one year, but I am taking baby steps.
- Write more to my grandmother.
- Be more patient and less clumsy. I say this to myself every year.
- Finally learn to drive stick-shift and speak Italian. Not necessarily at the same time.
- Get into just the right shape so that my favorite jeans will also become my most comfortable jeans again. My heart will thank me too.
- Be kinder. That is a universal resolution.

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