Thursday, June 5, 2008

Obamabots and Billaryites

Regardless of your political beliefs, this has been a historic week in the history of the US: a racially-mixed man has clinched the presidential nomination of a major party for the first time. It would be no less historic had Clinton been the nominee.

For all of the dirty politics that have been in play these past few months from both sides of the Democratic party, for all of the age/gender/race/education divisions that the media love to talk about and that I'm sick of hearing about, look how far we have come already: a woman and a black/white man as serious contenders for the presidency. That would have been unthinkable 50 years ago, when women had three options for careers (nurse, teacher, secretary) and black people had to sit in the back of the bus. I mean, I wasn't around then, but I think it would have been unthinkable. I really do admire them and congratulate them both for the fact that they got into politics in the first place, 'cause it's not something I would ever be capable of doing. I couldn't deal with the slime, spin and backstabbing.

It makes me happy that we are living in an America where two such people are able to run for president and be taken seriously. And for the Democrats that are saying that they will abstain from voting in November if their candidate is not nominated (ahem, Clinton supporters), you're just silly. We have a lot of work to do. Sigh.

I happen to like Obama. The media might say that's typical, since I'm young, college-educated and live in an urban, progressive area. I also eat arugula, shop at Whole Foods on occasion, don't own a gun, and believe that people should be able to marry whoever they want (gasp!) - go ahead and categorize me into your predefined boxes, if you'd like. I have my own reasons. But if Clinton was the nominee, I would still vote for her in November. Voting for McCain because you're unhappy with Obama would essentially be undermining everything Clinton promised to work for. It's like throwing out the baby with the bathwater...errr... buying the milk when you could get it for free...or something like that.

(On a side note, and I'm walking on eggshells on this one, Obama is 50% white, 50% black, so I have always wondered why people refer to him as black if he's equally black and white in his genetic makeup? Why don't they say "of mixed race" or something along those lines?)

On a more frivolous side, Sex and the City was totally fabulous - a lovely little guilty pleasure full of shoes, being pathologically self-absorbed with oneself, objectification of men, and forgetting about the real world for 2.5 hours - and if you liked the show you should go see the movie. With some girlfriends, of course.

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