Monday, November 10, 2008

I've started taking an art class at the Art League School in Alexandria. It's painting with pastels, something I haven't done diligently since high school, and I'm glad to report that my first project, still life with vase and mandarin orange, doesn't look like a big poo! I may not be Monet but at least it's three hours every week that I can set aside and devote to me. It's been a long time since I've had an activity where I end up getting lost in it and losing track of time.

I've also started volunteering for Homeward Trails Animal Rescue to fill the gaping hole that is "not having a dog in my daily life." Someday I will have one..or two, or three...and two cats - one will be named Cleopatra (Cleo for short), the other Leopold (Leo for short).

It's somewhat hard on the soul to volunteer at the dog adoption events, because there are so many good dogs that need good homes, and if I had the resources I would take them all in (I'm an equal-opportunity dog lover).

Also I woke up on November 5th feeling really good...because for the first time since I was 18, I was super super proud of my country (and my home state of North Carolina!).

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