Monday, May 5, 2008

Hope it's not their first date

Last Saturday was undoubtedly the most exciting dinner I've been to in a long time. I mean exciting in a bad way, like you think someone's about to die.

We had just ordered our sushi at Kotobuki (a small, intimate restaurant that seats 30 people max) when the woman seated at the table next to us started yelling to call 911, that it wasn't a joke, as she leaned over and grabbed her boyfriend, whose eyes were rolling into the back of his head and he was passing out. I couldn't tell if it was a stroke or seizure, but it was something bad. After a few moments and 5 people calling 911 simultaneously (including me, a first) he came to and could speak, but he really didn't look so good because he first turned the color of the wall (eggshell white) and then turned greener and greener, until he vomited all over the table. Poor guy. Good thing an off-duty paramedic was there and helped him lie down and offered suggestions on what to do. Finally the paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital. I kinda lost my appetite after that but still managed to enjoy my spicy tuna roll.

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